
Visual Identity
UX / UI Design


BlueQuo is a talent matchmaking platform dedicated to connecting startups with qualified C-level executives for both short and long-term collaborations. They approached us to redesign their website with an already designed identity.

The client's emphasis on contemporary culture was central to our design approach, focusing on translating this ethos into dynamic relationships between companies and talents. To capture the uniqueness of BlueQuo's mission visually, we concentrated on creating a striking website. We used animations, bold colors, and enlarged typography to grab users' attention and distinguish BlueQuo from other C-level website companies, creating a dynamic site.


We ensured that the website was fully responsive, guaranteeing that every element of our design transferred seamlessly across all breakpoints. We used color to differentiate various layers of information, such as the sliding hamburger menu and the pop-up newsletter CTA.

The typography with an extended family allowed us to create different compositions to break the information and aim for those impactful moments. Making the given color palette work was certainly a challenge but we made the decision to have closed color combinations to ensure a professional appearance for the site.


The client tasked us with designing a brand new website, alongside developing the onboarding process for their new platform. We designed various points of entry throughout the website, implementing a system of modular cards arranged in a cohesive layout. These cards serve as gateways for individual profiles and companies to access the new onboarding process.